Easy Homestyle “Burnt Ends”
This is my own version of a barbecue classic for the soul! All you need is a good pan and an oven! No smoker necessary! Go crazy y’all!
Serves: 4 medium portions | Total time: 4 hours
4 tbsp of mustard
1/4 cup BBQ rub
1 cup BBQ sauce
1 ketchup packet (optional)
2 hot sauce packets
4 boneless cuts of chuck short rib meat
3 small onions, sliced and caramelised
1 (12 fl oz or 355 ml) beer
1 1/2 cup of beef broth
Preheat the oven at 350 F and rub the chuck short rib cuts with the mustard to coat them. Apply the BBQ rub evenly on all of the beef cuts.
At medium to medium high heat, sear and brown the meat with 2 tbsp of oil (and non stick cooking spray, if available) in a wide and large saucepan. This will take about 4 minutes per side. Put the meat aside on a separate plate when fully browned.
Deglaze the pan with the beer then the broth. Turn the heat on the stove up to high to produce a gentle boil. Then return the beef into the saucepan and brush evenly with the BBQ sauce. Make sure the broth covers the meat at least halfway!
Remove the saucepan from the stove cooktop and insert it into the oven. Cover and keep the meat in there for about 3 hours and 30 minutes or until fork tender.
When finished, remove the saucepan, turn on the broiler function at 450 F. Then reinsert the meat into the oven, uncovered, and broil for 3 minutes or until caramelised and charred.
Serve and enjoy!